1. There will be NO eating or drinking in this classroom. This means there will be no visible signs of such items. If you have items on your possession, they will be out of sight in your book bags, and will not be used during class, otherwise you will be asked to leave the classroom.
2. There will be No cell phone usage in the classroom. Cell phones must be in your book bags or in your car and out of sight. If they are in the classroom and out of sight, they will be turned off during the class. If you do not conform to this then you will be told to leave the classroom.
3. Attendance:
a. You have until 14 minutes after class start time to be counted as present.
b. 15-20 minutes after start time will count you as Tardy
c. The third Tardy you receive in a row will be counted as Absent, and you will be told to leave the
classroom for that day.
Example: Monday tardy, Tuesday tardy, Wednesday Absent. This includes weekends. Wednesday
tardy, Thursday tardy, Monday Absent !!
day. If you show up after that time you will be told to leave the classroom.
I will not allow a student to participate in the classroom on any day that they are not there. If you are counted as Absent, you are NOT THERE!
**NOTE: Just so there is no confusion or arguing on time: The Clock in the classroom will be the time that we go by. If there is NO clock in the classroom, or it is broken or badly incorrect, then the time will be recorded according to the Instructors watch. If you have problems in this area, you should find out how those two times differ from what your watch says and adjust accordingly!
There will be no discussions or outbursts in this classroom of the following types or you will be told to leave the classroom:
We have a VERY short time each day to cover our subject matter, and my classroom is Not the place or the time to be discussing matters that do not relate to it!
The following conduct will also not be tolerated in this classroom!